COVID-19 is affecting us all in very different ways, but parents across the country are all wondering how they can entertain their kids while in self-isolation! Many are choosing to home school their children, but what are you to do when they are done with their work and there are so many hours in the day to fill? Here are a few screen-free activities you can enjoy while you spend more time with your family.

Sculpt a Masterpiece!

Are your kids looking to do something fun with their hands? It’s easy! Play dough is a great way to entertain kids and encourage them to try to create new things. If you don’t have play dough at home, here is an easy recipe that will help to keep your children entertained for hours.

Listen to a Story

Libraries and book companies across the country are allowing people to have free access to audio books! Google your local library, or visit AudibleSpotify, or your favourite audio book store to find books that your children will love. With so many to choose from, you will have hours of entertainment on hand.

Write Your Own

Are you encouraging your kids to complete their English homework? Why not give them the chance to write a story? Writing is a great way to pass the time, and they have something they can save and continue to work on day after day!

Grow a Garden!

Seeds can be found at your local nursery or grocery store and can be a great science experiment for your kids! Choose a few of your favourite seeds, plant them in planters inside your home, and record how much they grow every day! If you aren’t able to purchase soil right away, fold a wet paper towel around each seed and place them in a plastic bag. Watch those seeds grow!

When in self-isolation, the days can seem pretty long. By providing them with new activities, your kids will not only have fun but continue to learn too!

For more amazing tips on how to entertain your children without a screen click here.