There is no climber who is not tempted to climb the most mythical summit of the Cantabrian Sea, and one of the most mythical summits of climbing.

Until 1904, this mountain could not be climbed, and it was on its north face, now called via Pidal-Cainejo, in their honour: Pidal, Marqués de Villaviciosa de Asturias, and Cainejo, the nickname by which the pastor Gregorio Pérez, a native of Caín, León, was known.

The decision to go up the same line that was made in 1904, instead of an easier line makes the preparations more demanding, a wall of more than 500 meters almost vertical on the north face does not leave anyone impassive.

June 21, just yesterday we were confined, but luckily not today. So, together @helen.lovemountains, who will be my partner, and I packed our bags and travelled to Asturias.

Juice Plus+ complements will be key to this adventure again, which will take us many hours of activity, cold, sun, and few rests.

June 22, today is an easy day, you just have to walk to the Urriellu refuge. Among all the preparations for climbing, helmet, harness, climbing shoes and an infinity of elements for ascension, she left room for my Uplift discs and Complete bars that will give me the extra energy I need for this new challenge.

June 23, today is the big day, we get up very early, breakfast was small and not as good as I would like, but at dawn and at 1904 meters you can not ask for more, luckily I have my complements.

A day ago, the climb is even more spectacular than expected, and we are lucky to have Joaquín on the team, a high mountain guide, a native of Asturias and a reference specialist in climbing in the Naranjo de Bulnes. The ‘guide to paradise’ as they know him here, he will give us the indications to be able to faithfully follow the same line that was used to conquer the “Picu” for the first time.

I still don't know if it's a dream or a reality but I'm on top! Embracing Virgen de las nieves, and the rest of the team, I could not be happier and impressed by such majestic views. You can see the Atlantic Ocean, the Torrecerredo Peak and the Cabrones crest among others...

Time to get strength with a Complete bar, hydrate well with water and Uplift, and prepare the descent. This will be on the south face, with a system of ropes and anchors to secure it. This is a descent technique called "rappelling" that leaves us near the refuge, and from there to the van again.

Another dream comes true!

  • Uplift
  • Complete By Juice Plus+